Environment Variables

Bumper has a number of environment variables to help with custom deployments and configuration. These should be set prior to executing Bumper.

Setting Value Description
BUMPER_LISTEN {ipv4 address} IP address to start server listeners on
BUMPER_ANNOUNCE_IP {ipv4 address} IP address to tell bots when they request the server location. May need to be set in cases such as when LISTEN is
BUMPER_CA {full path to ca.crt location} The public CA certificate (ca.crt) to be loaded
BUMPER_CERT {full path to bumper.crt location} The public server certificate (bumper.crt) to be used by the Bumper server
BUMPER_KEY {full path to bumper.key location} The private server key (bumper.key) to be used by the Bumper server
BUMPER_LOGS {full path to logs directory} The directory where logs should be stored
BUMPER_DATA {full path to data directory} The directory where persistent data should be stored (bumper.db)
BUMPER_DEBUG true Run Bumper with debug mode/logging
LOG_TO_STDOUT true Instead of logging to logs/, logs to to STDOUT